Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Setting Up Charles Web Debugging Proxy

Charles Proxy is a program that allows you to monitor the network traffic,between some application (your web browser) and a server.In the context of the Empires and Allies game,it can be used to edit the game database downloaded to your computer (the client side of the game) from the zynga servers.It is useful to modify the requests and responses sent and received from the server,which is the way most of the cheats work.
In order to use Charles,you will need to disable the 'secure browsing' option (https) on your facebook account first,go to 'account settings',click on the 'security settings' tab and disable the 'secure browsing' option,be warned though,disabling https leaves your account somehow unprotected,so make sure to enable it again once you finish using Charles.
Now,first things first,download Charles from here:
Step 1.Install Charles,run it and make sure that the 'windows proxy' and 'firefox proxy' options are set,and that it is on 'recording mode':

Step 2.Now load the game,you will see the window under the 'Structure' tab get filled with a lot of calls,find the folder 'fb-client-zc.empire...',expand it,find the 'flashservices' folder,right click on it,and enable the 'breakpoints' option:

Step 3.With the 'breakpoints' option enabled,Charles will pop up every time the game try to make a call using the 'flashservices' path,allowing you to edit the 'requests' before they get sent to the server,or editing the 'responses' received from the server before the info contained in them get displayed on the game.You now can enable or disable the 'breakpoints' by simply clicking on the red octagon icon on the tools bar.
Step 4.One of the most interesting 'responses' to look at,is the one that contains the full game info (player info,player stats,inventory values,etc),which is loaded each time you load/reload the game,and it's easy to recognize because it has two folders: 'data' and a 'metadata'.Under the 'data' folder is where you can find most of the values that are editable within the game,though you can also edit a 'request' or a 'response' on the fly while the game is running:

Step edit a 'response' or a 'request' just click on 'edit response' (request) and set the view mode to 'AMF',then just navigate to the folder where you're going to edit the values
Step 6.when you're done with the editing part,disable the breakpoints (click on the red octagon icon),click on the 'execute' button and the game should continue running:

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