Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Sending Nuclear Using Cheat Engine

In this tutorial I'm gonna explain how to use Cheat Engine to send Building Parts,Nukes or any powerup as a gift to your friends (or to yourself,but that's kinda an obvious thing)
You will need Cheat Engine:
There are two ways of doing this,the hard way,and the easy way

1.Click on the 'free gifts' tab
2.Move to the screen with the 3 Element Z pack:

3.Now open Cheat Engine,find the process your web browser is using ('chrome.exe' for Chrome,'plugin container' for firefox),click on 'open',change 'value type' to 'text' (string),type in the string 'mana03',and hit 'first scan':

4.Move the results to the bottom box,and change 'mana03' to 'Pack10' (tactical nuke):

5.Go Back to the free gifts screen,and click on the Element Z pack
6.Select your friends/neighbors,click on the 'send' button and that's all


1.Normally your 'free gifts' screen look like this:

2.But there's way to force it to show all the available gifts,open Cheat Engine and scan for this string: visibleInGiftPage="false"

3.Change visibleInGiftPage="false" to visibleInGiftPage="true"

4.Now you should see all of the available gifts:

5.From here you're free to send any of the available gifts to your friends
*Pack1_Energy 5
*Pack2_Air Strike II
*Pack3_Target Jammer III
*Pack4_Explosive Ammo III
*Pack5_Element Z 25
*Pack6_Poison Gas III
*Pack7_Missile Attack II
*Pack8_EMP II
*Pack9_Acid Blast
*Pack10_Tactical Nuke I
*Pack11_EMP III
*Pack12_Field Repairs III
*Pack13_Blazing Anubis Infantry (350 hp)
Video: How to Send Nukes Using Cheat Engine - YouTube
and: Empires and Allies_hidden 'free gifts' menu - YouTube

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